Welcome to
Temple Health.
Growing your health,
with Nutritional Therapy
Health Coaching.
Hello! I'm Ashleigh Salter and I'm a registered and fully insured Nutritional Therapist
and Health Coach. I am NHS recognised, and work on an individual basis,
to support your health, wellbeing and overall vitality. I also work within businesses,
to provide support to you as a team - happy, health employees ensure happy, healthy work.
My main interests are stress (and the multitude of things that go with it!),
and digestion, both adults and children. Stress accounts for over 80% of all GP visits,
and it has a real impact on our health and wellbeing.
Click here to find out more about me.
I would love to support you through whatever health challenges you are facing.
(It most likely includes stress!).
Get in contact for a FREE 20 min Discovery Call
Click here to book a call in.
In a nutshell, a Nutritional Therapist (me!) is trained to consider health-related symptoms and look at whether these are caused by a nutritional deficiency, either macro or micro nutrients. The way towards a healthier you will look at using food, supplements and lifestyle adjustments to refocus your health, and bring your body back to a state of good health, or experience health better than ever before.
My methods involve a naturopathic background, or grounding. This works on the premise that the body has an innate understanding of itself, and that it can heal itself, given the right tools - food, natural therapies and changes to the way the body is treated. This approach can include functional testing, such as tongue and nail analysis, hair mineral testing (different to the controversial hair strand testing for allergies) and stool analysis. It also considers naturopathic techniques that can support the body to find better health and wellbeing, using natural and ancient practices. This may sound a bit strange - but I promise, from first hand (and using these techniques on family and friends for years), they work! And, even better, are very simple. And often cost next to nothing, if nothing at all. What have you got to lose?
I am also a trained, registered and insured Health Coach, recognised by the NHS. I use these skills to work as a freelance consultant with Mid Sussex Wellbeing Team, delivering workplace health assessments as part of a government initiative in workplace health and wellbeing.
I trained as a Health Coach initially, as I felt that these skills were so beneficial for people. The impact that Health Coaching can have on someone's continued health journey is immense. I have supported many people to better health using the techniques available to me. Health Coaching is about accountability, about motivation and about consistency. This is what gives you sustained and long-term health changes. I use these techniques within Nutritional Therapy consultations, alongside the above mentioned practices. This provides a holistic and well-rounded approach to positively changing your health.
Click here to look at ways in which you can work with me.
Otherwise, read on for more info.
What happens when you work with a Nutritional Therapist?
We would first and foremost start out assessing whether I am the person to help you, and whether you feel comfortable working with me - I hope you do!
After an initial conversation, there are several options available to you, in order to receive support from me. The most popular option is the 3 Month Package. This not only offers you a set period of time in which you can see your health improve, but it is also the most value for money. My only advise on the financial side is asking you to consider how much you value your long term health and wellbeing? Many people become intensely aware of their health, only after they have received a devastating or upsetting diagnosis. At this point, it is not without it's challenges, in supporting your body to feel healthier and reduce or eliminate these symptoms. Ideally, we should be taking a proactive approach to our health, and acting before we run into difficulty. As they say, prevention is better than cure. That said, it is absolutely possible to support the body to regain health and vitality, and this can often be accomplished by taking small but mighty steps in the right direction.
I will give you tools and education in changing your viewpoint on health so far, and will support you to achieve these changes in a manageable and sustainable way.
In the 3 Month Package and the One-Off Nutritional Therapy Consultation (click here for details), we start by having an in-depth look at your health history, family history current health and food consumption by way of food diary analysis. I then spend some time putting a plan together for you behind the scenes. This is given to you with a lot of supporting information, alongside email/whatsapp support when needed, and you begin your journey towards renewed health, wellbeing and vitality. Yay!
You can also have a short, but impactful Health MOT Assessment, where we take body measurements using a modern, Tanita Body Composition scale. We go through these results and talk about your health in general, where advice and tips are given. For a more in-depth and holistic look at your health, you could then consider the options above. Click here to see details of this Health MOT Assessment.
Hippocrates, 400BC
"Let Food be thy Medicine"